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tv   Early Start  CNN  September 30, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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you know, have the courage to go out there and chase their dream, whatever it is. >> he is completely stable in every way. would you like him to babysit your kids? are you kidding me? what is it about people like that do things like that? ? "early start" continues right now. countdown to shutdown. definitely not a hoe down. the u.s. government just hours from shutting down. congress grid locked as both political parties wait to see who will blink first. a record setting storm slamming the northwest. roads are flooded and trees are all knocked down and thousands are left in the dark. dozens of tourists jumping into the water when their boat suddenly erupts in flames. crazy pictures. really crazy story to tell you about. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." i'm john berman.
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>> i'm zoraida sambolin. it is monday, september 30th. it is 5:00 a.m. in the east. so let's begin with the shutdown plot. it is ticking even louder in washington this morning. >> tick, tick, tick. >> i don't know that anybody is listening with neither side willing to give an inch which is 19 hours away from the government shutdown. the republicans saying they want to defund the health care overhaul also known as obamacare or at least delay it for a year. the democrats saying no way is that going to happen. all of those government services are hanging in the balance. senior white house correspondent brianna keilar has the very latest. >> this is the old football strategy. >> reporter: house republicans rallied on the steps of the capitol calling on the senate to come back to work. inside, a ghost town. not long after the house gop passed a bill in the early morning hours on sunday. >> motion to reconsider is laid on the table. >> reporter: it funds the government, but delays obama care for one year. now just hours to go before a deadline for a deal, the first government shutdown in 17 years
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seems all but certain. the blame game in full swing with republicans on preemptive damage control. >> so far, majority leader harry reid is telling the republicans to jump in the lake. >> he is say the highway or the biway. the president saying i will shut down the government if you don't give me everything i want on obamacare. >> reporter: they argued. they budged. demanding the president's health care program be delayed after initially voting to defund it altogether. but senate democratic leader harry reid won't put this latest house passed bill up for a vote and president obama met sunday afternoon with his economic team at the white house has threatened to veto of any measure that delays or defunds obama care. >> let me repeat it. that's not going to happen. >> reporter: the senate is expected to strip out the obamacare delay today and send it right back to the house. meanwhile, the clock is ticking toward midnight when a
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government shutdown would close national parks, furlough hundreds of thousands of federal workers, and stall new passport applications. there was one area of possible agreement. repeal of attacks on medical devices included in the bill republicans passed this weekend. a top democrat said he was open to the measure, but not with a shutdown looming. >> i'm willing to look at that, but not with a gun to my head, not with the prospect of shutting down the government. >> reporter: brianna keilar, cnn, the white house. the big question a lot of people are asking what does this mean for me and for you? hours to go before the government runs out of money this is a little list what will be operating and not operating. mail will still be delivered. fbi and dea and other law enforcement offices will be working. as will the military. get this. a lot of military personal will get ious instead of paychecks. most federal courts will remain open. also this. don't forget to pay your taxes. the irs is still collecting.
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that's awfully nice. do not try to go to a national park or federal mutual. many will be closed. passport applications will not be processed. and furloughs will hit nonessential government works and hundreds of thousands told to stay home. if you have applied for a government loan, fund your small business or home, that will be put on hold. thanks, washington. >> i would love for you guys to tweet us, e-mail us and let us know how you feel about all of this. does this disgust you? those we talked to across the country said over and over again it is time to work out the differences and come to some sort of an agreement. much of the concern centered around our men and women in uniform. why? because they will keep working but only get paid with a promise for cash later. >> there is going to be bills that are going to be due. you can't just tell the electric department, hey, i got an iou. >> if i ran my house the way the
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government is running the country, i would be in bankrupt. >> you made your point. let's get on with the business of running the country and pass the budget, pass the debt limits and let us keep improving the economy, but don't play games any more, please. >> our economy, our country, our business, the government is not running right now. also at midnight tonight, just as the government may be shutting down, a new by to buy health insurance will be starting up. a key part of obamacare, the insurance exchanges, they launch october 1st. this is one of the major steps towards implementing the health care overall. as margaret connolly reports there are many questions that people have what they have to to imply with the law. >> reporter: the owner of all new york area applebee's restaurants. when threatened to stop hiring
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after affordable health care costs. >> we won't build more restaurants. we won't hire more people. >> reporter: a year later from his newest restaurant in east harlem. >> this wall is all living. >> reporter: stan says he'll find a way to continue with business and his best people are his full-time people. >> am i going to penalize my best people because the president has put into place something that penalizes me? no, i've got too much at stake. >> reporter: these crucial owners facing crucial business owners like zane have dire economic consequences. the national center for policy of analysis. >> small businesses are forced to provide a very expensive health package for their employees and the new law gives them no additional help. there is no subsidy. >> reporter: cost is the biggest concern for companies according human resources consultant julie stone. whked of impa what kind of impact will that have on this country? >> i think it has seismic proportions long term for our country and it will change the fabric who we are we are and how we go about our daily lives ultimately.
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>> reporter: for sglan zane, he issing take each face of the reform one day at a time. >> i think people are not going op for this first year for 10% of their gross income going to obamacare. >> reporter: margaret connolly, cnn, new york. new reports of potential privacy abuses at the nsa. according to "the new york times" the agency has been using its enormous of collection of phone and e-mail data to track the social connections of u.s. citizens. even determining their whereabouts and who they are traveling with. that report based on documents from nsa leaker edward snowden saying the agency has been conducting these operations since 2010. >> oklahoma and kansas not waiting for washington to slash the food stamp programs. the two states are moving ahead with own plans to require healthy adults with no dependents to work 20 hours in order to get benefits. that would leave them without food. 1 out of every 7 americans right
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now receive food stamps. severe weekend weather is leaving thousands without power in the portland, oregon, area. two storms hit. one on saturday and one on sunday dropped heavy rain and blowing trees and debris right into the homes. >> i heard this noise and i come in, look. i went, oh, goodness. the good news is she got out okay. but a falling tree crushed part of her roof and damaged her home. some areas got nearly 5 inches of rain and reported wind gusts of 75 miles an hour. >> wow. sounds crazy. a lot more weather out in the northwest. indra petersons is watching the forecast for us. >> great to see you. one time in the northeast and now what is happening in the pacific northwest. take a look at the radar from starting on saturday and rain did the stop pounding the area. we are still talking about rain in the area today. portland has beat the record for
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september coming in 4.83 inches. the last record was 4.3. seattle has broken the record for saturday. not for the month but we know how much rain everybody is dealing with and strong winds in addition to that. what caused it? a big low out there in the pacific northwest with a couple of waves that kind of kicked through the area. with that it pulled the moisture from the coastline and continued to give them rain. i wish i could say it's over with, but still more rain in the forecast today but not as heavy over the weekend but flooding concerns are high with even more rain about 2 to 4 inches still possible in through washington today and 1 to 3 inches in through oregon. the other side we are talking about temperatures. notice how warm it is. denver about 82 and portland about 59. we get warm air close to cold air, we are going to see strong winds and that is going to be another factor. it's going to continue as we go through the day. winds gusting to 35 to 35 miles an hour today. portland, about 36-mile-per-hour gusts. looking at the pattern, a little
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bit different here. the east coast, on a front moving its way through but beautiful weather still in the forecast for us. at least it's nice here. >> serious problems in the northwest. indra, thanks. unexpected plunge into the river thames when a tour boat known as the london duck burst into flames. the boat, you can see it there, caught on fire right outside the houses of the parliament. 28 passengers were forced to swim for their lives and others clinging to the sides of the boat. this is not the first time involving an amphibious crash and emergency workers on the scene. and no one died. >> they are trying to figure out what should we do there? >> holding on to the sides. they are all good, that is the important thing. coming up, investigating syria's chemical weapons
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stockpile. a team on its way to damascus to see what the assad regime has on hand. we will have the latest for you coming up. [ male announcer ] campbell's angus beef & dumplings. hearty cheeseburger. creamy thai style chicken with rice. mexican-style chicken tortilla. if you think campbell's 26 new soups sound good, imagine how they taste. m'm! m'm! good!
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and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university learn more at welcome back. a key meeting in washington could set the future of u.s. relationships in the middle east. ie israel leader benjamin netanyahu will be at the white house. netanyahu has been skeptical of iran's charm offensive claiming itsin' attempt to stall international inspections of its nuclear program. this morning, an international weapons team is preparing to make its way to syria to begin one of the biggest and most hazardous missions in history. disarming that nation's stockpile of chemical weapons. this will not be easy, folks. jamaal is live for us.
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what is on the agenda for this visit? this is a tough job, isn't it? >> reporter: absolutely. it's a very challenging and tough task. this is going to be for the organization, for the prohibition of chemical weapons. the opcw that begins its mission in syria to eliminate that country's chemical stockpiles. that mission starts tomorrow with the arrival of an advanced team, 20 political and technical experts are expected in damascus tomorrow. they will represent the logistics and set the ground for these inspection and the destruction of syria's chemical weapons. you mentioned, john, a very tough task ahead for a number of reasons. first, the deadlines they are up against. syria is expected to destroy all of the chemical production and mixing plants in a month's time by november 1st. by the first half of next year, all of the country's chemical stockpiles must be destroyed by
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then. a very tough task. even harder because of the environment in syria. this is an active combat zone. it is a very violent war zone. it's going to be a logistical challenge for this team to try and move around we are told by the organization that there are about 50 chemical sites that need to be inspected in syria and some of them in rebel-held territory and some in contested areas so reaching these sites, securing these teams, very big challenge. one opcw official telling cnn that they might have to amend the way they do things for syria, rather than destroying the chemical weapons stockpiles, what they might do is what they call a quick and dirty operation where these weapons are rendered unusable rather than destroying them. >> really unprecedent situation going in a hot civil war to dismantle these weapons. a team of u.n. investigators have been back in syria a week. they are leaving today.
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what have they been up to? >> reporter: john, that is the team that has been investigating alleged chemical weapons attacks that have taken place in syria. this year, the u.n. says that a number of alleged attacks were brought to the bodies's attention but seven of those, they said, warranted inspection and investigation. the team has been in there looking at these and investigating these chemical attacks, three of which we are told by the u.n. allegedly took place following that deadly large-scale attack in the suburbs of damascus on the 21st of august. the team that has been there has been collecting physical samples and they have been speaking to physicians and alleged victims, and as you mentioned, they are leaving the country today and they are expected to file a comprehensive report by the end of october and this is not expected to assign blame put they want to establish the fact whether these chemical attacks about happen indeed.
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>> a busy and crucial week inside of syria. thanks so much. appreciate it. other news now. amanda knox opted out of a return trip to italy. her retrial in the 2007 slaying of her roommate under way today without the star defendant. the seattle native served four years for the killing in 2011 but earlier this year that ruling was overturned by italy's highest court. if convicted again, there is a chance knox could be ordered back to italy, although a lot of legal experts in the united states think it is unlyle wr let's switch gears. we have seen a lot of wedding proposals on tv, right? this was a team effort. the cheerleadering squad in van horn, missouri, the rye sip yent was her coach. the principal and the fiance asked the cheerleading to help
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them. she had a big thanks for leading the squad to success at a state championship. when she turned around, the cheerleaders are reformed to ask her the big question! she said yes and said the proposal was absolutely perfect! >> i hope in true cheerleading form, her answer wasn't just yes. i hope she said, "bring it on." anyone get it? >> yes, we get it. >> the best cheerleading movie of all time. >> i'd like to see her face and see the actual proposal. would you like to see that? >> i would, but all that matters is she said yes, because they went to a lot of effort. bring it on, are you with me? >> not really but i'll pretend. coming up, we would rather have them in a cheerleading movie but instead it's a conference. on the way a government shutdown could be. what does that mean for your wallet? "money time" is next.
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mr. mojito? ok it's got to be really fast, i've got one second hey no way wei hey, ca va? nudeq nuqdaq duch doch bolz stop calling me oh my god, no! how are they looking? we did it baby woohh oi ma yerp yerp moshi moshi, meow what?! ♪
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cheerleader cheerleader cheerleaders. >> it's crazy. it's appropriate. did you tweet out for folks to rhyme this morning? >> yes, send us an "early start" rhyme. >> hickory dickory dock the house ran up the clock and now we have to stop. christine romans is here this morning. >> gee. on the eve of the first government shutdown in 17 years. doesn't it feel fine? no. there are no signs washington will get it back together and
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ironically, the markets can decide. the markets are accepteding a real signal to washington futures are sharply lower in stocks right now. bad news for a fragile recovery and shaky investor confidence. remember ben bernanke threw wall street off by throwing off the support system for the bond market? he didn't hold off because the economy in great shape, because the jobs picture is still tepid at best, right? >> you say tomato, i say tomato. >> let's call the whole thing off. any way. here you have the fed still supporting the market like this and washington working in the opposite direction. a government shutdown the u.s. could default in matter of weeks. if the debt ceiling isn't reached have you a wall of worries. markets don't like uncertainty. watch carefully your 401(k) will get hit this morning because your policymakers, your
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legislatures a legislators are not doing their job. an important job report comes friday but may not see it if the government shuts down. nearly all of the bureau of labor statistics will be furloughed. the consensus if it is relieved september saw 180,000 jobs created and jobless rate remains unchanged at 7.3% but who knows? according to the commissioner of the bureau of labor statistics, a chance they may not release their report or on maybe report it during the shutdown but only if the white house budget office, which is kind of running the show right now, but it is sad and stupid. no way to run a country. it is no way to run a business. it's crazy. if the lack of critical economic data isn't enough, it seems like a lot of washington nonsense, i want you to know this does matter to you so this is what you're going to notice immediately. national parks and zoos and museums closed and no visits to the statue of liberty and many federal and offices go dark.
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we should told it should take four hours to close that down on tuesday. people likely go and some people will go in on tuesday and then start to shut things down and take about four hours. what will remain open? federal ports have enough money to operate ten more days. a lot of fusion about the passport offices. i want to be clear. they will be open this time around. why? passport offices are funded by fees so if it's a passport office that is in a federal office building, you could see some delays. don't go and get a passport there or passport renewed there. go to post office or one of the other location that is not a federal building. air traffic control and board of protection and department of defense, essential defense functions stay open. power grid is open. banking functions. also social security goes out. very key there.
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a lot of questions about passport situation. i would go right now if you need to -- i would go today! >> you want to leave the country. >> anything you need to rely on the government for, i would try to do that today. >> can you imagine how packed it's going to be? >> what about members of congress? do they get paid? >> yes, they do. really! >> really? >> somehow they are essential and make any difference tondato. of course they do. a lot of people are furious because they could get an iou maybe from the defense department. >> that is horrible. that is just a tragedy. >> the whole thing is ridiculous! that's not editorializing. it's true. it's ridiculous. >> christine romans, thanks so much. >> we will be right back. ♪ [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand?
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neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ neutrogena®. have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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the u.s. government just hours from shutting down. congress doing nothing except blaming each other. he was a strong person and whatever came his way, he still stood on the word of god. he never wavered. >> a louisiana pastor shot and killed while delivering a sermon in front of his congregation. who police have arrested for the rhyme now. he is like, she's having a baby! i'm like, i need gloves! >> and a police officer springing into action when one baby could not wait for the hospital. i need gloves! >> the baby is coming.
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you're not going to have time to put on those gloves. welcome back to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm john berman. 31 minutes after the hour. take a live look? >> what is going inside there? >> nothing. the capitol in washington is quiet because nobody is there and nobody is working. let's say it will be anything but quiet soon. t there is no sign so far of democrats in the senate or the republicans in the house coming to any sort of agreement on any way out of this mess. the latest developments here. the senate today is expected to take up a spending bill passed by the house over the weekend and passed with house democratic leader nancy pelosi not present for that vote because she was out of town celebrating her 50th wedding anniversary. the bill would keep the government running but delay the implementation of the health care reforms better known as obamacare for one year.
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democrats say they will strip out the obamacare delay and send it back to the house where it's not likely to be approved. it looks like a shutdown is inevitable and the blame is already flying. >> been hijacked by a small group of extreme folks who simply hate this president. >> the president of the united states will talk to the dictator of tehran but he won't even negotiate with the house of representatives. >> for many republicans, this fight about funding the government is all about stopping defunding, delaying obamacare. nevertheless, a big part of the health reform plan takes effect tomorrow really no matter what happens in congress. insurance exchanges that will let you shop for coverage for you and your family begin opening up. vice president biden is defending the law writing in the des moines register it will give americans access to health care and finding coverage so much easier. he writes companies will not be
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able to use your medical history to determine how much to charge you and they won't be able to charge you more because you're a woman. they will have to be transparent what they are offering and compete against each other. he says it is going to make a world of difference. you should say it's not lost on some people that was being published in iowa, rumors that vice president is considering a presidential run someday. >> the democrats have a different take on the health care and reform plan and one is saying the potential for a shutdown is worth it because the american people want obamacare gone. here is aaron mcpike. >> reporter: after stints as a staffer at the bush white house and on capitol hill, tim griffin ran for congress in 2010 promising he'd end obamacare. >> as a political guy, are you worried about how house republicans are going to look to the public in a month? >> well, the president has a bully pulpit certainly.
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and he is going to do everything he can to make us look bad. >> reporter: like many of his house gop colleagues, he is insisting on tying funding the government to defunding obama care. why the brinksmanship and why the insistence on health care? >> i will say in a lot of our districts, the voices are quite strong, in favor of that. you know, some districts stronger than others. but there is a loud cry out there on obamacare to -- to do whatever we can do to delay it, to defund it, to whatever it. >> reporter: especially in the little rock district he represents back in arkansas. but is it realistic? >> it's a false choice to say it's obamacare or nothing. it's obamacare or the old way. >> reporter: what about this? >> there are a hundred different ways.
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>> reporter: is there a way to keep obamacare and amend it greatly to your likely? >> no, because the entire structure, the entire structure is built on washington making central decisions in an industrial factory age type mentality and telling everybody out in the states, thousands of miles away, this is the way it has to work. >> reporter: he admits the stakes are high. >> i don't want the government to shut down. i don't think it's good policy. i don't think it's good politics. >> reporter: aaron mcpike, cnn, capitol hill. our thanks to erin. 36 minutes past the hour. all he wants is closure. the father of a man stabbed to death near san francisco's at&t park. jonathan derve wnver was killed week a few blocks from that park where they say he got into al anication with giants fans. the father of denver wants to know what happened.
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>> you almost understand how incredibly difficult this and has been for me and my family. losing a child is a heartache no parent should have to endure. today, i'm making a plea to the public asking anyone who may have witnessed the incident to come forward so that both families can have some measure of closure. the suspect michael montgomery claims self-defense and was relieved from jail over the weekend. the district attorney is asking police to investigate this case further. >> simple unimaginable murder in louisiana. a pastor shot to death in church. police say ronald harris was gunned down during services with over 65 worshipers looking on in horror. among them, his daughter telicia harris.
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>> my dad was a great father. he was an awesome grandfather. he was an awesome preacher, teacher. he had a big heart. he was a strong person and whatever came his way, he stood on the word of god. he never wavered. >> investigators say the suspect shot harris twice with a shotgun and then police say he surrender the later. he is charged with second-degree murder. no word of a motive but he is believed to have attended that church in the past. small jet attempted to land at santa monica municipal airport and skidded off the runway and crashed into a hangar and igniting a massive fire. first responders say they don't know if anyone on the ground was hit. no word on how many passengers were on board. the corporate-owned plane which had departed from idaho. parts of oregon cleaning up this morning after wild weather over the weekend. two storm systems rolled through and dropping a ton of rain. nearly 5 inches in some area. 5 inches! that accompanied by hurricane
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force winds 75-mile-an-hour wind gusts were reported. they took down trees and power lines. what a mess. thousands of customers remain without power this morning. indra is covering all of this for us this morning. what can oregon expect today? >> i wish i could say no more rain but, unfortunately, more rain in the forecast for them and even more wind expected in the forecast. you can see what it looked like from the weekend. starting on saturday and it does not let up. the rain continued one after the next. next band after another. all things with a couple of fronts that moved through region. we are looking at record rainfall. portland has set the record for september at 4.83 inches. the last one if you're curious was 4.3 in 1986. they are not alone. portland and seattle set daily records on saturday. not a monthly record for seattle yet but either way a good 5 inches of rain already for seattle there. what are we looking at? a big low hanging off the coastline. the rain funneled that moisture off the ocean. of course, they are talking
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about more rain. what i mentioned here. not small amounts. another 2 to 4 inches around the border between portland and seattle. heavy rain expected and when you have the big temperature difference you're talking about winds as well and you can tell how cool it is in the pacific nousted and only drive those wind gusts up 40 to 50-mile-per-hour again today. >> thank you. new jersey's governor chris christie is pledging to appeal a state court rule legalizing gay marriage there. he has not spoken publicly yet but his spokesman said the governor will take that decision to the state supreme court. a challenge to a ban on gay marriage in illinois is moving forward this morning now that a state judge said two lawsuits can proceed. the judge ruling the group of same-sex couples should be allowed to present their arguments that they are being discriminated against. an effort to legalize marriage through the illinois legislature
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is currently stalled. let's head over to wisconsin. shall we? the story of a pair of sisters who answered the call to help someone in some serious need. this happened in marshall. not far from madison. workers there heard someone pounding on the doors of town offices really early thursday morning. it was a father-to-be. his wife in labor. that police officer jumped into action along with her sister standing beside her who works there as well and they helped deliver that little bundle of joy, a healthy, happy baby girl right in the parking lot. >> the mom and dad was standing there. it was so much fun to hear that baby cry in the front seat of a car! >> for all of the stuff that we do and all of the things that we see, by far, her birth will be the best part of my career. >> wow! hard to top that. christine and dean, i think it
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was. congratulations to you for springing into action. mother and daughter are said to be doing really well. she is a cutie pie. she is oblivious. >> whoever delivers me is fine with me. 41 minutes after the hour. coming up. >> it's horrifying. it's just totally horrifying. >> a new warning this morning about a silent killer lurking in the waters of florida. that's coming up next. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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[ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ welcome back. 45 minutes past of the hour. florida this morning a warning from the family of a man who got a very rare infection. his family says 49-year-old butch kanisky was fishing for crabs in volusia county when a wound on his ankle got infected. they thought it was initial a spider bite but a killer
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bacteria got into that wound and he was dead within hours. >> it's horrifying. it's just horrifying. they did everything. they tried multiple antibiotics. it should be at least posted. we were tempted to make our own signs and post them on the trees. >> so far 29 cases of that bacteria in the state. nine fatal and one near the same spot where this man was infected. authorities say you should protect yourself if you're going into warm sea water near shell fish. :. >> hopefully, they get that message out. >> the sign would be -- >> let's see what is coming up on "new day." chris cuomo and kate bolduan join us. >> good morning, guys. happy monday. >> a unhappy monday, i guess.
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>> when disasters are man-made it's that much painful to wash. show you a clock. 19 hours before the government is shutting down and government running out of money. one of the only constitutional obligations they pass the laws necessary to keep government functioning. they are going to boot that requirement because they can't agree on what to do about obamacare basically. so we are going to be following that. we are going to be asking some very tough questions of people when are in control and watch for you what happens. as the government has no money, people feel the pain. not the congress members because they are exempted. but we will see you who is not seeing this as essential. >> the impact is going to be real. we will talk about amanda knox. she is back on trial in italy today for the murder of her british roommate. her conviction was overturned two years ago but an italian court said cher retrying her. she told chris she is not going
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to italy and not face prison again because it is the ultimate nightmare. what does this mean for her and her future? we will talk about it. >> can't wait to see you guys in a little bit. coming up, a big day for truth justice in the american way. >> oh, my goodness! >> and tom brady. the patriots won again undefeated. it was also a big day for another quarterback who is okay. peyton manning. he threw six touchdown passes in one half. show you the highlight coming up with andy scholes and the "bleacher report" coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] every thought... every movement... ♪ ...carefully planned, coordinated and synchronized. ♪ performing together with a single, united purpose. ♪ that's what makes the world's leading airline... flyer friendly. ♪ is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? hearty cheeseburger. creamy thai style chicken with rice. mexican-style chicken tortilla. if you think campbell's 26 new soups sound good, imagine how they taste.
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m'm! m'm! good!
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every monday, it seems like we talk about how awesome peyton manning is. today, we are talking about no different. are we talking about your man crush today? >> tom brady is awesome and handsome pandy scholes joins us
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now with the "bleacher report." >> peyton manning and how awesome the broncos offense is right now. manning threw four more touchdowns in yesterday's win blowout over the eagles. he now has 16 touchdowns this year which is the most ever by a quarterback in the first month of the season. denver, wow. they scored 52 points in the win and the most points they have ever scored in a game. up next with the 4-0 broncos, a trip to dallas to take on the cowboys. the patriots trying to keep pace with the broncos. they were in atlanta taking on the falcons last night. while tom brady and company aren't putting up record setting numbers but they continue to find ways to get it done and held off a late falcons rally fourth down, under 1:00 to go and aqib talib bats down matt ryan's pass. patriots get the win and improve to 4-0. the falcons a big disappointment so far, they are 1-3. number three in today's lineup on, last day of the season for major
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league baseball. everybody talking about the possibilities not the marlins, but that was until hernandez alvarez threw nine innings of no-hit baseball. bottom of nine, this wild pitch with the bases loaded gives alvarez his first career no-no. it was the third no-hitter of the major league season. lane kiffin is out as the how much at usc. boy, trojance blown but by arizona state saturday night. when they got back to lax, the athletic director pat hayden pulled kiffin off the bus and right then and there, he fired kiffin. guys, poor lane kiffin. he told the bus drivers to wait and left his bags on the bus and while he was talking to hayden, one of the usc administrators, said, "go ahead and go." >> lane kiffin coached the raiders and in tennessee and not at usc. not very long stays in any of the places, although this
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termination unlike any. pulled off the bus. >> poor lane kiffin. >> when i pull you off the bus, you know what to expect! >> exactly! >> we will be right back. ♪
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[ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. but it doesn't usually work that way with health care. with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors,
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treatment options and cost estimates, so we can make better health decisions. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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madonna for you this morning. madonna and cher shed a cruhave crusty relationship. cher is coming clean telling a website she doesn't hate madonna, she just thinks the material girl lives difficult but using a different word for that, a word that begins with a "b." >> basketball? >> something like that.
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cher is calling her one of the most amazing artists she has known. you call her a "b" one of the most amazing artists you've ever known. interesting. >> you have all of their albums, as do i. my plate is full of madonna and cher. >> i'm a big cher fan. that is all for this extended wicked early beginning of "early start." >> thanks for waking up. >> the time for "new day." kate and chris, it's all yours. >> the only thing better than one hour with you guys is two hours and just going to say. i know our viewers agree. >> especially now that john has cemented into my mind as the new sonny bono. it's time for "new day" everybody. let's get it going. many republican senators and republican governors have urged republicans to knock it off, pass a budget, and move on. >> final countdown. congress back in session within
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hours. if there is no deal, the government shutsdown tonight. neither side is budging. we are tracking all of the developments. the fallout. hundreds of thousands of federal workers won't be paid some key government services set to shut down. military families may be hit hard. what it means for you. plus stung new details on how far the nsa surveillance program goes. amanda knox back on trial this hour. and look at this. a duck boat tour gone terribly wrong. >> your "new day" starts right now. good morning. welcome to "new day." it's monday, september 30th. this is the countdown clock, the reality is 18 hours to make a deal to avert a shutdown when the government runs out of money. at this


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